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• At the moment, there are no restrictions as far as what type of stories can be archived. This means that there will be stories with adult situations, sexual content, violence, etc. The philosophy of this site is "if it's written, it should be shared". When choosing stories to read, please be aware of the rating that has been assigned to it. If you are easily offended or not old enough to read M or MA rated stories, do not read it!

• Stories should be original works, meaning that the authors may not plagiarize another persons work, in whole or in part. We take plagiarism very seriously on this site. Anyone found to be copying already published work with be dealt with in an appropriate manner. Again, due to the large number of stories archived on this site, it is impossible for us to read every story and compare it to others. We rely on the honesty and integrity of each author. If you feel that someone has plagiarized your work, please notify us immediately.

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Where the Heart Is by eFanfiction K+
What, and spoil the fun?

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Where the Heart Is by eFanfiction K+
What, and spoil the fun?